
Tag: Plant Based

“This is a critical decade… the calm before the storm” – Anita Krajnc & Nicola Harris – Plant Based Treaty – Sentientism Ep:157

Anita Krajnc and Nicola Harris are from the Plant Based Treaty initiative. A conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how can we make a better world?"

“Vegan pets… They’re enjoying their lives more & they’re living longer” – Dr. Andrew Knight – Sentientism Episode 148

Andrew is Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics and a vet. A Sentientist conversation about "what's real?" "who matters?" and "How To Make a Better Future?"

“I have this instinct to go to the underdog” – Ana Bradley – Sentient ED – Sentientism Episode 119

Ana Bradley is the Sentient Executive Director. Sentientism is "Evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings."

“There’s a caste angle to how animal cruelty works in India” – Karthik Pulugurtha – Fish Welfare Initiative – Sentientism Episode 101

Karthik is Managing Director of the Fish Welfare Initiative in India. A Sentientist Conversation. Evidence, reason and compassion.

“There is no us and them” – Yasmine Mohammed – Ex-Muslim Activist – Sentientism Ep: 51

Yasmine is an ex-muslim rights activist, advocating primarily for the rights of women living within Islamic majority countries.

“Morality isn’t linked to religion” – Amy Wilson – Activist Lawyer – New Sentientist Conversation on Podcast and YouTube

Amy Wilson is an Animal, Human & Earth Rights Lawyer. She founded the Animal Law Reform & Animal Law Africa NGOs.

“We can’t understand humans without recognising that we’re animals” – Dr. Diana Fleischman – New Sentientist Conversation

Dr. Diana Fleischman is an evolutionary psychologist & an author. In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“If you hand most people a knife they won’t stab a cow!” – John Oberg – New Sentientist Conversation

John is a professional animal advocate & public speaker. You can support his work at ​ and follow him at ​. In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“Breeding into suffering is the root of the problem.” – Sentient founder Mikko Järvenpää – New Sentientist Conversation

Mikko is a tech start-up founder and CEO (now​). He founded & is now board chair of Sentient - an organisation dedicated to making the world a better place for all sentient beings through journalism. In these Sentientist Conversations, we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”. Sentientism is "evidence, commitment & compassion for all sentient beings."

“As a Vet I Felt Helpless” – Vicky Bond, Humane League UK Managing Director – New Sentientist Conversations Video

Vicky is Managing Director of The Humane League UK. She trained as a vet and worked in the animal agriculture industry before leaving to focus on campaigning for non-human animals. In these Sentientist Conversations, we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” and “what matters?”

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Tilted head shot of Robert Grillo smiling towards the camera. Blurred background.

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

Living With Death Without God – An Interview with author Valerie Jack

Valerie Jack is the author of "Living with Death without God". A Sentientism interview about "what's real?" "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“I plant seeds for children… to think for themselves” Louisa Jane Smith of The Religious Education Podcast – Sentientism Ep:205

Louisa Jane Smith is host of The RE Podcast (religious education). A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?" and "who matters?"

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