
Tag: COVID19

“Our beliefs are playing all sorts of roles… social, moral, epistemic…” – Psychologist Tania Lombrozo – Sentientism Ep:168

Tania is the Arthur W. Marks Professor of Psychology at Princeton University. A conversation about Sentientism, "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“A pastor said ‘we’re all born with sin’… I just thought ‘that’s not true'” – Alexandra Paul – Actress & Activist – Sentientism Ep: 165

Alexandra Paul is an actress, activist and health coach. A conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?" for Sentientism.

“Time has come for non-human animals to be globally protected in UN-iversal law” – Sabine Brels of the World Federation for Animals

Sabine is legal advisor to the World Federation for Animals. In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“You cannot go wrong with compassion” – primatologist Frans de Waal – Sentientist Conversations

Frans is a primatologist and ethologist whose talks and books have been viewed and read by tens of millions of people. A Sentientist Conversation.

“Ending animal testing is a win-win for humans and animals” – Neurologist CEO Aysha Akhtar

Aysha is a neurologist, public health specialist & author. She is President & CEO of the Center for Contemporary Sciences.

“The root of all evil is in thinking some suffering doesn’t matter” – Jane Velez-Mitchell – Sentientist Conversation

Jane is a TV broadcaster, author, journalist & now CEO of the animal rights non-profit Jane Unchained. She has written four books, two of which were NY Times bestsellers.

“We can’t understand humans without recognising that we’re animals” – Dr. Diana Fleischman – New Sentientist Conversation

Dr. Diana Fleischman is an evolutionary psychologist & an author. In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“How can I have been morally asleep for so long?” – Prof Randall Abate – New Sentientist Conversation

Sentientist Conversation with Randall Abate. Randall is an author and environmental, animal, climate and constitutional law professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey. His books include "What Can Animal Law Learn From Environmental Law?" and "Climate Change and the Voiceless: Protecting Future Generations, Wildlife, and Natural Resources".

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Headshot of Justine Karst smiling towards the camera.

The Wood Wide Web and Do Plants Feel Pain? – Forest Ecologist Justine Karst on Sentientism ep:220

Justine Karst is Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada. A Sentientism conversation in part about the wood wide web and whether plants feel pain.

The Wood Wide Web and Do Plants Feel Pain? – Forest Ecologist Justine Karst on Sentientism ep:220

Justine Karst is Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada. A Sentientism conversation in part about the wood wide web and whether plants feel pain.

Free “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar – Jan 23

Happy New Year and a Happy New Term! Our FREE “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar for the Spring term is on Jan 23rd from 16:00-17:30 UK time. Sign up at Eventbrite […]

“A dual indoctrination…” – Jim Mason on Sentientism Ep:219

A Sentientism conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better world with author and activist Jim Mason.

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