
Tag: Artificial Intelligence

“Reductionism is well-named. It reduces what you can do.” – Michael Levin – Sentientism Ep:199

Dr Michael Levin is a developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University. A Sentientism conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better future.

What kind of relationships do we want with AI & other sentient beings? – Jared Moore – Novelist & AI Researcher – Sentientism Ep:167

Jared is an AI researcher and novelist. A conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better future. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

“An Aligned AGI would end factory farming” – Kat Woods – EA Charity Founder – Sentientism Ep: 166

Kat Woods has co-founded multiple charities and currently focuses on trying to make transformative artificial intelligence play out well for all sentient beings. A Sentientist Conversation.

“It was a huge wake-up call… I felt like I’d been living a lie” – Delci Winders – Sentientism Ep:163

Delci Winders is an animal protection lawyer, scholar, teacher and programme builder. A conversation about Sentientism's "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings."

Should non-sentient agents matter too? – Philosopher Nicolas Delon – Sentientism Ep:159

Nicolas is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies at the New College of Florida. A conversation about Sentientism's "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

“I have this instinct to go to the underdog” – Ana Bradley – Sentient ED – Sentientism Episode 119

Ana Bradley is the Sentient Executive Director. Sentientism is "Evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings."

“Artificial Animals” – a fascinating essay by Claire L Evans referencing Sentientism

"Artificial Animals" - a fascinating essay by Claire L Evans referencing Sentientism

How can Africa avoid industrialised animal farming? – Cameron King of Animal Advocacy Africa – Sentientism Episode 89

A Sentientist Conversation with Cameron King, Operations Lead for Animal Advocacy Africa.

“Time has come for non-human animals to be globally protected in UN-iversal law” – Sabine Brels of the World Federation for Animals

Sabine is legal advisor to the World Federation for Animals. In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“When I adopted a dog – my whole worldview shifted” – Aditya from Animal Ethics

Aditya is the wild animal suffering outreach coordinator for Animal Ethics. In Sentientist Conversations we talk about "what's real?" and "what matters?"

“Morality isn’t linked to religion” – Amy Wilson – Activist Lawyer – New Sentientist Conversation on Podcast and YouTube

Amy Wilson is an Animal, Human & Earth Rights Lawyer. She founded the Animal Law Reform & Animal Law Africa NGOs.

“Sentientism captures everything – it’s future proof” – Michael Dello-Iacovo – New Sentientist Conversation on Sentientism YouTube and Podcast

Michael Dello-Iacovo is a space scientist, effective altruist, animal justice political candidate and host of the Morality is Hard podcast.

An Introduction to Sentientism – on YouTube and podcast. “Talking to Humanists about other sentients”

An Introduction to Sentientism - on YouTube and podcast. Talking to Humanists about other sentients.

“De-centring the human” – New Sentientist Conversation with Josh Gellers. Also Happy New Year!

In this video, Jamie talks to author and associate professor Josh Gellers. Josh’s work spans animal, environmental and artificial intelligence ethics and law. He is a research fellow with the Earth System Governance Project and is a Fulbright scholar. He is Author of “Rights for Robots”.We talk about growing up in a culturally Jewish household, non-human rights (animal, robot or otherwise) and how to take a pluralistic approach that “wades in the waters of other ways of knowing” without slipping into a relativism that excuses causing needless harm.

“Humans might one day need to beg AIs for our sentient rights” – AI expert Roman Yampolskiy – New Sentientist Conversation

Roman is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Louisville. He is known for his work on behavioral biometrics, the security of cyberworlds and artificial intelligence safety. He founded the field of intellectology - the analysis of the forms and limits of intelligence.

Humanism needs an upgrade: Is Sentientism the philosophy that could save the world?

There is a little-known philosophy, well-founded in reality, that provides a sound basis for compassionate ethics and which will eventually become our predominant way of thinking. That’s partly because adopting this philosophy will give us the best chance of addressing the world’s problems, from the climate change crisis to the impact of artificial general intelligence. That philosophy is Sentientism.

Dilemma HangOut – Conversation with Jay Shapiro

A wide ranging "Dilemma Hangout" conversation covering many aspects of Sentientism and its potential implications. Jay signs up as a Sentientist towards the end – although he probably was at the beginning too. He might even appear on our "Wall of Sentientists" soon.

Latest work

Headshot of Justine Karst smiling towards the camera.

The Wood Wide Web and Do Plants Feel Pain? – Forest Ecologist Justine Karst on Sentientism ep:220

Justine Karst is Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada. A Sentientism conversation in part about the wood wide web and whether plants feel pain.

The Wood Wide Web and Do Plants Feel Pain? – Forest Ecologist Justine Karst on Sentientism ep:220

Justine Karst is Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada. A Sentientism conversation in part about the wood wide web and whether plants feel pain.

Free “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar – Jan 23

Happy New Year and a Happy New Term! Our FREE “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar for the Spring term is on Jan 23rd from 16:00-17:30 UK time. Sign up at Eventbrite […]

“A dual indoctrination…” – Jim Mason on Sentientism Ep:219

A Sentientism conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better world with author and activist Jim Mason.

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