Here’s our wall of sentientists. If, like them, you’re committed to evidence and reason and have compassion for all sentient beings, why not join them and add your tile here.
Ahimsa- lowest possible suffering for all sentient beings. You explain it very well.
Cat founded and leads Vietnam Animal Aid & Rescue. She is also a writer & activist addressing many non-human animal issues.
Find our Sentientist Conversation on the Sentientism YouTube here or the Sentientism Podcast.
All sentient beings, including humans, have consciousness and emotions. We are all capable of suffering.
Tobias is an author and a vegan advocacy consultant. He blogs at and wrote “How to Create a Vegan World“. He is the co-founder of ProVeg International. He is an Effective Altruist – thinking about the best ways to achieve a compassionate society. He also describes himself as a “Slow opinionist”. He has a naturalistic worldview, although remains open to the possibility there is “something more”.
Find his Sentientist Conversation with me here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.
Self-awareness at the molecular level seems intuitively obvious – the universe is a self-aware entity, studying itself through the experience of “being” in all our various forms.
Mariann is Co-host with Jasmin Singer of the Our Hen House podcast and host of the Animal Law Podcast. She is a lawyer, lecturer, teacher and animal rights activist.
Mariann is vegan and has a naturalistic worldview.
Find Mariann’s Sentientist Conversation with me on the Sentientism YouTube here and on the Sentientism podcast here.
I’m a Sentientist because its what makes sense and we will need this shift if we are to survive as a species
I’m a Sentientist because a being’s physical differences from us or its intellectual capabilities do not matter for how I should treat them. The only relevant consideration is their sentience – I believe that anyone who has spent any time caring for animals knows this at some level.
Aditya ( & @Soytheist) is an animal rights advocate from Assam in India. His @Soytheist YouTube channel focuses on taking a straightforward & rational approach to animal rights, identity politics & occasionally religion & atheism.
He is vegan and has a naturalistic worldview.
Find his Sentientist Conversation with me on the Sentientism YouTube here or Podcast here.
Although I gave up meat many years ago it was relatively recently that I learned more about the exploitation and cruelty in the agricultural industry, that meant dairy cows as well as though bred for meat were often treated badly and would be killed after a few years, often male dairy calves are merely useless to them so they can be sent to the veal trade? Surely even worse than eating meat. As well as avoiding animal tested make up and skin care I try to join the animal rights community in signing petitions, raising awareness of cruelty from Taji dolphin hunting to the UK badger cull, which again is linked to practices in the dairy industry, intensive farming has spread BTB in cattle yet badgers are blamed, why? There are so many MPs in the Conservative DEFRA who are pro hunt and shoot it is hard to find a voice, but hopefully with platforms like this change is coming. The Dominion attitude has reigned for too long, even though I’m not an atheist and believe in Jesus Christ, I also think that it is human attitudes that have led to so much cruelty to people outside the West and animals in the serach for new territory and riches, a way of living alongside nature not owning it should be our goal as more sustainable peoples have known for centuries.
I believe that if you can feel than you should be free from harm inflicted by people.
Evidence and reason shows what’s real. What matters most is reducing and preventing suffering through compassion for fellow sentient beings.
“For me the question is not ‘why care for non-human animals?’ but ‘why not care for them?’ From a Sentientist viewpoint, I think that caring for animals is the only way to build a more humane and moral world for all sentient beings. Evidence, reason and compassion are the tools that the intelligence of the brain and the heart are having to know that animal sentience is as obvious as ours.”
Find Sabine’s Sentientist Conversation with me here and on the Sentientism YouTube and Podcast. Find her conversation with me about WAJ here on YouTube and on the Podcast.
Dr Sabine Brels is a lawyer dedicated to advancing animal protection law worldwide. She teaches international and comparative animal law and published books on animal related-issues in French and English. In the last 15 years, she directed the Global Animal Law (GAL) projects and worked as legal advisor for the World Federation for Animals, the Eurogroup for Animals, and Compassion in World Farming. Besides her consulting work, she is currently leading the World Animal Justice NGO that she founded in 2023.
Through a synergy of studying Marxism-Leninism and Secular Buddhism, I became interested in maintaining a meaningful worldview consistent with Buddhist compassion and Marxist dialectical materialism. After reading Althusser’s arguments for anti-humanism, as well as national books by Dean Cornish and Caldwell Esselstyn, I became interested in a naturalistic philosophical approach to veganism. This had to lead me to learn about sentientism, which compliments my views in Marxism and Buddhism, as well as minimalism, science, socialism, and environmentalism practices and activism.
Suffering is suffering is suffering. Whether human or other sentient being.
Because I’m both (ethical) vegan, and (secular) humanist. 🙂
Aditya is the wild animal suffering outreach coordinator for Animal Ethics. He works in grass-roots animal activism with a variety of organisations. He is studying Animal Protection Law at the National Legal Studies Research Institute in India.
He is vegan and has a naturalistic worldview.
Find Aditya’s Sentientist Conversation with me here on YouTube and here on Podcast.
Find Jenny’s Sentientist Conversation with me here on the Sentientism YouTube and Sentientism Podcast. Jenny also interviewed me (Jamie Woodhouse) here for her SubStack podcast.
Jenny is Managing Editor of Sentient. She is an award-winning journalist & science writer covering food, agriculture, climate change, biodiversity, health & technology. Her work has been published across a wide range of media outlets including Vox, Forbes, Observer, The Washington Post and New York Magazine. Jenny is a co-founder & contributing editor to the science communication project SciMoms. She is also a podcast host on the Animal Studies channel of the New Books Network & her newsletter, FutureFeed, chronicles change in the food system.
Jenny is vegan, has a naturalistic worldview (culturally reform Jewish) and considers herself a Sentientist.
Jane is a TV broadcaster, author, journalist & now CEO of the animal rights non-profit Jane Unchained. For six years she hosted her own show on CNN Headline News. She has written four books, two of which were NY Times bestsellers. She has won numerous awards for her activism on behalf of non-human animals.
Jane is vegan and has a naturalistic worldview.
Find her Sentientist Conversation with me here on the Sentientism YouTube and Podcast. In it, she says “The root of all evil is thinking some suffering doesn’t matter”.
Cebuan (Cebby) is a PhD candidate researching animal and biodiversity governance at Radboud University in the Netherlands.
Find Cebuan’s Sentientist Conversation with me here on YouTube and on the Sentientism podcast.
Every sentient being values their life as I do mine, and I view it as a moral imperative for us to see and respect this similarity.