
We are Sentientists

Where are sentientists around the world?

Here’s our wall of sentientists. If, like them, you’re committed to evidence and reason and have compassion for all sentient beings, why not join them and add your tile here.

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Brandi Dupre


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Jae Cho


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Apoorva Chandra


I’m a Sentientist “because that’s the position that leaves me with least cognitive dissonance.”

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No sentient being is on this Earth FOR us, they are here WITH us. Their lives are no less important than ours.

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Benny Malone


Why Sentientism?: “It’s a relevant characteristic meaning I should extend moral status and consideration – sentient beings have interests that I take into account. That’s why I’m vegan.”

Benny’s book “How To Argue With Vegans”

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Takuya Fukuju


Abolish All Suffering!

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Katie Mack


Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism Podcast.

Katie is a theoretical cosmologist who holds the Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication at Perimeter Institute. Her academic research investigates dark matter, vacuum decay and the epoch of reionisation. Katie is also a popular science communicator who participates in social media and regularly writes for Scientific American, Slate, Sky & Telescope, Time and Cosmos. She is the author of the book “The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)

Katie is vegan and has a sentiocentric moral scope. She has a naturalistic worldview, saying here: “I had a lot of trouble believing in anything that I didn’t have strong evidence for. It comes back to the scientific view point maybe. I didn’t have religious experiences. I didn’t have a feeling of connection with the divine. I wanted that feeling of connection … I found the practice very meaningful, but I never got the faith.”

Katie on Wikipedia
Disorientation, a poem by Katie

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Roy W.


Sentiocentrism just makes obvious sense.

Roy’s YouTube Channel

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Christine Rose


You can’t argue with reason and compassion based logic that says we should treat all life forms that are self aware and can feel pain in ways that help them flourish and avoid suffering.

Christine on FaceBook
Christine’s Writing on Local Matters
Christine’s Tumblr Blog

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Sally Mallon


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Ru Oakley


Compassion for animal suffering.

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Alyssa Christian


I am primarily vegan for animal rights, and an atheist because I believe religion to be dangerous and pointless.


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Isabella Villiers-Fenn


I believe in Sentientism absolutely.

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Amadea Fox


I believe absolutely in Sentientism!

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Alene Anello


Alene is the President and Founder of Legal Impact for Chickens. She graduated from Harvard Law School, clerked for a federal judge and then started litigating for animals. She has worked at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and The Good Food Institute. Alene is licensed to practice law in New York, the District of Columbia, and California. Alene is committed to helping chickens to honor the memories of her two beloved avian family members, Conrad and Zeke.

Alene has a non-religious, naturalistic worldview (with a strong sceptical streak…). She is vegan and has a sentiocentric moral scope.

Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism Podcast.


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I’m a Sentientist because “Compassion and logic”.

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Chaitanya Talreja


Chaitanya is Assistant Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in the Centre for Regulatory Policy and Governance. He has a PhD in Economics. Chaitanya’s research interests include economic development strategies in the global south, structural change, economic development and regulatory policy, urban economics, and non-anthropocentric strategies/alternatives to anthropocentric value systems in progress and conservation including food systems research (and maybe Sentientist Economics?)

In addition to his academic work, Chaitanya has published articles on economic development, inequality and on the intersection of Hinduism, politics and animal ethics in India.

Chaitanya has a naturalistic worldview and, at least, a sentiocentric moral scope.

Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.

Chaitanya on ResearchGate

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Now there is a term for what I’ve always believed since I was a small child – Sentientism! Yay!

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Evidence and reason.

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Carol Gigliotti


Carol is an author, artist, animal activist and scholar whose work focuses on the reality of animals’ lives as important contributors to the biodiversity of this planet. She is Professor Emerita of Design and Dynamic Media and Critical and Cultural Studies at the Emily Carr University of Design, Vancouver, BC. CANADA. Her most recent book is The Creative Lives of Animals.

Carol is vegan and has (at least) a sentiocentric moral scope. Carol is non-religious and has a broadly naturalistic worldview. She is happy to call herself a Sentientist – having joined our “wall“.

Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.

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Cambria Summer Cat-Fae


As an empath I’ve always been compassionate to all Sentient Beings. Vegan as I love Animals & Environment.


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Alex K


If something can suffer it deserves consideration for its wellbeing

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Alexander Kurz


Most of the problems we face are as much ethical as they are technological or economical or ecological.

Alex on GitHub

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Colin Roy-Ehri


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Sazib Bhuiyan


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Jorge Ortiz (Jorgenio Selenio)


We MUST support only the sentientist Artificial Intelligence projects or otherwise machines view us like animals and use us only how resources for his proposal, Sentientism is important to make a better world because we have sufficent resources to not generate unnecesary suffering.

Jorge on YouTube

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Indra Gesink


I’m a Sentientist because it makes sense! Welcome to the future.


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Jenny Desmond


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The universe has no obligation to make sense to us or to aid us in our search for and actualization of good. Sentience itself wasn’t evolved out of any good will towards us subjects but as an instrument of Nature to keep on replicating. As beings capable of self reflection and radical transformation of our environment, we have the responsibility to use that power to benefit the totality of sentient experience.

Nathaniel’s Total Veganic Futurism YouTube

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I’m a sentientist because we should not be inflicting, without necessity, great suffering upon others. It is that simple. We should instead try to reduce and minimize the amount of suffering — no matter who is the being who’s suffering — through, among other things, cultivating unbounded reason and unlimited compassion.

Gustavo’s Freethought Commands YouTube

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Latest work

Headshot of Louisa smiling towards the camera - wearing glasses.

“I plant seeds for children… to think for themselves” Louisa Jane Smith of The Religious Education Podcast – Sentientism Ep:205

Louisa Jane Smith is host of The RE Podcast (religious education). A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?" and "who matters?"

“The Solutionary Way… we can’t wait!” – Zoe Weil ‪- Sentientism Ep:201

Zoe Weil is the co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education (IHE). A Sentientism conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better world.

Cheese Challenge & Pescetarian Paradox – Psychology Researchers Maja Cullen, Devon Docherty, Carol Jasper – Sentientism Ep:200

Devon Docherty, Carol Jasper and Maja Cullen are psychology researchers from the University of Stirling. A Sentientism conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better world.

“Reductionism is well-named. It reduces what you can do.” – Michael Levin – Sentientism Ep:199

Dr Michael Levin is a developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University. A Sentientism conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better future.

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