
Testimonial Category: Sentientist

Nicolas Delon

Nicolas is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies at the New College of Florida. In Fall 2023, he will join the College of Charleston as Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Nicolas […]

Anita Krajnc

Anita is Executive Director of the Plant Based Treaty initiative & the Animal Save Movement, a worldwide network of Save groups bearing witness to farmed animals & promoting veganism & […]

Nicola Harris

Nicola is Director of Communications for the Plant Based Treaty initiative and works on the Animal Save Movement‘s communications team. She has over 20 years of experience in pressure campaigning […]

Bill Leikam – The Fox Guy

I have been ethologically studying the behavior of the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and almost from the beginning of this work, it was clear to me that these foxes are […]

Elan Abrell

Elan is a cultural anthropologist focusing on human-animal interactions, environmental justice, and food politics. He is assistant professor of the practice in environmental studies and coordinator of the animal studies […]

Peter Lewis

Peter holds a Canada Research Chair in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, at Ontario Tech University. He is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, where he leads the Trustworthy AI Lab. He […]

Tania Lombrozo

Find our conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast. Full show notes are here. Tania is the Arthur W. Marks Professor of Psychology at Princeton […]

Andrew Knight

Andrew is Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics and Founding Director of the University of Winchester Centre for Animal Welfare, Adjunct Professor in the School of Environment and Science at Griffith University, […]

Mary Finelli

Because sentientism is the basic criterion for moral consideration, and all sentient beings deserve respect and consideration of their interests. Mary on FaceBook

Katherine Roe

Katherine is chief of Science Advancement and Outreach (SAO) at PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). SAO aims to change the paradigm of biomedical research by promoting the […]

Troy Hamilton

Sentientism takes John Rawls’s “Veil of Ignorance” to its logical conclusion: creating a world I’d want to live in no matter what form of sentient being I was born.

Samson Fernendez

Because sentience matters.

Deborah (Ντέμπορα) Wicks

Why Sentientism? “Because it is morally and ethically the right thing to be.” Ντέμπορα / Deborah on FaceBook @marthaphoebe64

Sam Battis

“All morality stems from the fact that sentient beings prefer some experiences over others. The purpose of logic, governance, and society is to cultivate the wellbeing of sentient beings, frequently […]

Eva Hamer

Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast. Eva is the operations lead for the non-profit Pax Fauna. Pax Fauna exists to design a […]

Deborah Rogers

Why Sentientism?: “it just feels right” MSDMEANAR @msdmeanar

Lori Marino

Lori is Executive Director of The Kimmela Center and Founder & President of The Whale Sanctuary Project. She is a neuroscientist and expert in animal behavior and intelligence, formerly on […]

Colin Clark

Why Sentientism? Ethically aligned to the idea. I apply strong logical rationale, trying to avoid emotional bias. Colin on FaceBook

Kathy Zuckerman

I believe I have always believed that all living creatures are sentient. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know this. Early memories are not reliable so I can’t […]


Animals are suffering in this world all because of humans. The world would still be a Paradise if people had more respect, compassion and empathy for the animals. They would […]

Oscar Horta

Why Sentientism?: “For all sentient beings” Oscar is an animal activist and moral philosopher who is currently a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Anthropology at the University of […]

Mylan Engel Jr.

Why Sentientism? Because every sentient being has the capacity to be harmed, and any being with a capacity to be harmed has a moral right not to be harmed. See […]

Brandi Dupre

Brandi on LinkedIn

Apoorva Chandra

I’m a Sentientist “because that’s the position that leaves me with least cognitive dissonance.” @apoorvamagic


No sentient being is on this Earth FOR us, they are here WITH us. Their lives are no less important than ours.

Benny Malone

Why Sentientism?: “It’s a relevant characteristic meaning I should extend moral status and consideration – sentient beings have interests that I take into account. That’s why I’m vegan.” Benny’s book […]

Takuya Fukuju

Abolish All Suffering!

Katie Mack

Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism Podcast. Katie is a theoretical cosmologist who holds the Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication […]

Roy W.

Sentiocentrism just makes obvious sense. Roy’s YouTube Channel

Christine Rose

You can’t argue with reason and compassion based logic that says we should treat all life forms that are self aware and can feel pain in ways that help them […]

Ru Oakley

Compassion for animal suffering.

Alyssa Christian

I am primarily vegan for animal rights, and an atheist because I believe religion to be dangerous and pointless. @amusic20

Isabella Villiers-Fenn

I believe in Sentientism absolutely.

Amadea Fox

I believe absolutely in Sentientism!

Latest work

Upper body picture of Richard Twine giving a talk - facing towards the right. Backdrop of a wooden-clad internal wall.

“Spirituality is a great way in which capitalism commodifies people’s belief” – Richard Twine – Sentientism Ep:213

Richard Twine is Reader in Sociology at Edge Hill University. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "How to make a better future?"

Free “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar – Sep 26

Our FREE “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar for the Autumn term is on Sep 26 17:30-18:30 UK time. Sign up at Eventbrite here and please do share it around. The […]

“Being more rather than having more” – Ecolinguist Arran Stibbe ‪- Sentientism Ep:211

Arran Stibbe is professor in ecological linguistics at the University of Gloucestershire. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“Not personhood… beingness” – Professor Maneesha Deckha‪‬ – Sentientism Ep:209

Maneesha Deckha is a law professor at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

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