
Tag: Welfarism

Should Effective Altruism Take Abolitionism More Seriously? – Dhruv Makwana – Sentientism Episode 150

Dhruv is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge. Sentientism is evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings.

“It feels really good to be doing the right thing” – Alene Anello – Legal Impact for Chickens President & Founder – Sentientism Episode 128

Alene is the President and Founder of Legal Impact for Chickens. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

“‘I love what you do for me’ – isn’t love!” – Cat Besch – Vietnam Animal Aid & Rescue Founder – Sentientist Conversation – EP:79

In this Sentientist Conversation I talk with animal sanctuary founder and activist Cat Besch about "What's Real?" and "What Matters?"

“Children are much less speciesist than adults” – Psychological Researcher Matti Wilks – New Sentientist Conversation

Matti is a post-doctoral researcher at Yale University, working with Professor Paul Bloom. She studies moral psychology & moral development - including attitudes to cultivated meat & the "natural", the moral status of various types of entities & altruism. In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“Vegan stuff is going to be hot!” – Sociologist Corey Lee Wrenn – New Sentientist Conversation

Corey Lee Wrenn is a UK-based American sociologist and scholar of social movements and human-nonhuman relations. In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

Sentientist Conversations: Dr. Joe Wills

In this Sentientist Conversation I talk to Law and Rights Lecturer and Author, Dr. Joe Wills. We talk about what's real and what matters morally. "We have a golden opportunity to re-imagine our relationships with non-human animals."

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Tilted head shot of Robert Grillo smiling towards the camera. Blurred background.

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

Living With Death Without God – An Interview with author Valerie Jack

Valerie Jack is the author of "Living with Death without God". A Sentientism interview about "what's real?" "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“I plant seeds for children… to think for themselves” Louisa Jane Smith of The Religious Education Podcast – Sentientism Ep:205

Louisa Jane Smith is host of The RE Podcast (religious education). A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?" and "who matters?"

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