
Tag: Sexism

“We need to imagine a different world” – Emilia Leese – author of Think Like A Vegan – Sentientism Ep:198

Emilia Leese is co-author of the book Think Like A Vegan and host of the Think Like a Vegan podcast. A Sentientism conversation.

“Your Neighbour Kills Puppies” – Tom Harris – Activist, Artist & Author – Sentientism Ep:190

Tom is an artist, published author, and social justice activist. He is an expert and consultant on animal liberation history and strategy, and the global animal rights movement. His first book, Your Neighbour Kills Puppies was released in March 2024. A Sentientism conversation.

“Animal Liberation Now!” – Peter Singer – Sentientism Episode 156

Peter Singer is often referred to as the “world’s most influential living philosopher.” A conversation about Sentientism's "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

“Let’s make a world with less suffering today!” PETA president and founder Ingrid Newkirk – Sentientism Episode 123

A Sentientist conversation about "what's real?" and "what matters?" with Ingrid Newkirk, founder & president of PETA.

“Compassion is a boundless capacity” – Lisa Kemmerer – Sentientism Episode 121

Lisa Kemmerer is an activist and academic who specialises in anymal & environmental ethics. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

“Humanism is just way too focused on one animal” – Philosopher Constantine Sandis – Sentientism Episode 103

Constantine Sandis is a philosopher and author. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings". A Sentientist Conversation.

“I am relentlessly naturalistic” – Barbara J. King – Animal Author & Advocate – Sentientism Episode 100!

Barbara J. King is emerita professor of anthropology at William & Mary and a freelance science writer and public speaker. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

Humanism will Evolve into Sentientism – Peter Tatchell – Sentientist Conversations ep:76

Peter Tatchell is an activist for human rights, democracy, LGBT+ freedom and global justice. In Sentientist Conversations we discuss what's real and what matters.

“When I adopted a dog – my whole worldview shifted” – Aditya from Animal Ethics

Aditya is the wild animal suffering outreach coordinator for Animal Ethics. In Sentientist Conversations we talk about "what's real?" and "what matters?"

“You cannot go wrong with compassion” – primatologist Frans de Waal – Sentientist Conversations

Frans is a primatologist and ethologist whose talks and books have been viewed and read by tens of millions of people. A Sentientist Conversation.

“We don’t have to wait until the 24th century for a Star Trek future” – Christopher Sebastian – Sentientist Conversation

Journalist Christopher Sebastian talks about what's real and what matters on Sentientist Conversations.

“Freedom, equality & avoiding harm to others” – Psychologist Kristof Dhont – New Sentientist Conversation

Kristof is a social psychologist & senior lecturer at the university of Kent where he runs SHARKLab (Study of Human InterGroup & Animal Relations​). He is the author of "Why We Love & Exploit Animals".

“We’re at the beginning of a huge movement” – Author Julie Taylor – New Sentientist Conversation on Podcast and YouTube

Julie is an author, artist and animal activist. In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

“No judgement… just how do we solve this?” – Humane Educator Zoe Weil – New Conversation on the Sentientism YouTube and Podcast

Zoe is the co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education (IHE). In these Sentientist Conversations we discuss what's real and what matters.

“Imagining a better future through our everyday decisions” – Podcaster and academic Claudia Hirtenfelder – New Sentientist Conversation

“Imagining a better future through our everyday decisions." In this video, Jamie talks to the host of The Animal Turn Podcast and PhD Candidate in Geography at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, Claudia Hirtenfelder.We talk about cycling 6,000km across Asia using vegan power! and Claudia’s journey from Christianity to atheism. We discuss how to temper our rationality with humility and by considering diverse perspectives and how to temper our focus on the value of individual sentients with a recognition of social factors.

“De-centring the human” – New Sentientist Conversation with Josh Gellers. Also Happy New Year!

In this video, Jamie talks to author and associate professor Josh Gellers. Josh’s work spans animal, environmental and artificial intelligence ethics and law. He is a research fellow with the Earth System Governance Project and is a Fulbright scholar. He is Author of “Rights for Robots”.We talk about growing up in a culturally Jewish household, non-human rights (animal, robot or otherwise) and how to take a pluralistic approach that “wades in the waters of other ways of knowing” without slipping into a relativism that excuses causing needless harm.

In a Sentientist World – What Disappears?

Sentientism is a worldview that commits to using evidence, applying reason and granting degrees of moral consideration to all sentient beings. While it is a simple philosophy, Sentientism has far reaching implications. Read on!

Latest work

Upper body picture of Richard Twine giving a talk - facing towards the right. Backdrop of a wooden-clad internal wall.

“Spirituality is a great way in which capitalism commodifies people’s belief” – Richard Twine – Sentientism Ep:213

Richard Twine is Reader in Sociology at Edge Hill University. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "How to make a better future?"

“Spirituality is a great way in which capitalism commodifies people’s belief” – Richard Twine – Sentientism Ep:213

Richard Twine is Reader in Sociology at Edge Hill University. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "How to make a better future?"

“You don’t really have to convince people to be compassionate” – Jesse Tandler – New Roots Institute – Sentientism Ep:212

Jesse Tandler is MD of New Roots Institute. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

Free “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar – Sep 26

Our FREE “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar for the Autumn term is on Sep 26 17:30-18:30 UK time. Sign up at Eventbrite here and please do share it around. The […]

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