What would it be like to read, listen to and watch sentientist news?
While news does have a loftier goal of informing us, it’s primarily designed to grab our attention. Given how news organisations think of human psychology that can lead to an “If it bleeds, it leads” approach that prefers bad news over good and pushes emotionally affective stories over those that might objectively be more important.
Most news is also strongly human centred and very selective in how it talks about other sentient animals. The being doing the bleeding in “If it bleeds, it leads” either has to be a human animal (ideally of a group the local readership care about) or be a companion animal or charismatic wildlife. Other wildlife and farm animals are typically treated as objects or property that warrant little or no moral consideration. Often, inanimate or abstract entities such as the environment or nature are granted more serious intrinsic moral consideration than sentient beings.
In contrast, what might we expect to see from a more sentientist news, one committed to evidence and reason and having compassion for all sentient beings? Some suggestions:
We can encourage this type of news (and data) by asking for it and valuing it where we find it. With modern technologies and open data / open content standards, we can even create it ourselves. Hopefully some in the news industry want to go this way too. News is supposed to be objective, true and important, after all.
I’d love to know what you think… Please help improve these suggestions by commenting below or joining the discussion in one of our online communities.