
We are Sentientists

Where are sentientists around the world?

Here’s our wall of sentientists. If, like them, you’re committed to evidence and reason and have compassion for all sentient beings, why not join them and add your tile here.

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Scott Douglas Jacobsen


Sentience matters for moral consideration. Evidence, Reason, Universalism.

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Kamugasha Louis


I believe in reason and am an animal


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Roger Greenhalgh



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I realised it’s not just humans, other beings are individuals too. They think, they feel, they have understanding.

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I’ve considered myself a secular Humanist for the past 35 years or so, but at an even younger age, before the double digits, I felt that the injustices to other sentient beings, for example the suffering of laboratory animals for the benefit of humans and the rape of rain forests and indigenous peoples, was and still is a terribly myopic view of our role as part of life on Earth, and a completely unfair imbalance in favor of one species, or nation, at the detriment to all other sentients. I feel it’s natural that these two philosophies are part of one way.

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No sentient being is above others. I have no right to persecute other beings for food, clothing or vanity. I have freed myself from years of peer pressure, trying to make me do what is wrong.


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Mel Dawson


Sentientism, like veganism for me, is very much a guiding principle in life. It came to me as a revelation in my late teens, that life choices held such hypocrisy. I found myself in turmoil over consuming some animals, whilst protecting others. I began to question the disparity around the world, the human injustice & wanton exploitation of the natural world. I realised I was a believer in sentientism fundamentally…that I was seeking to make decisions based on best insights into science, evidence, reason and supported with a compassionate disposition. It came natural to me, as I chose veganism. Understanding that all life has an innate right to exist..that it is not our place to attribute a ‘scale of value’ to beings, with humankind at the peak. Sentientism is the ultimate liberation from the man-made tyranny of rigid belief systems. It is simply ‘freedom’.


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Cristian Murgu


I’m a sentientist because i cannot justify ethical isolationism.

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Lauri J, Owen, MA, JD, Esq.


Ethics demand that the strong inflict no harm on those who feel pain and fear. Humans are animals, too.

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Eleanor Elizabeth Forman


I don’t believe humans are qualitatively more special than other creatures, except insomuch as we flatter ourselves.

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Michael Sweeney


I believe in extending moral consideration to all sentient beings as individuals with their own interests and values. I am also a longtime Humanist and member of the AHA because I believe in the separation of church and state and the promotion of a scientific rationalist point of view.

@EthicalSentient (Twitter), @EthicalSentient (Insta) and other social media.

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Heather Browning


Heather is a scientist (zoology and biology), philosopher & a former zookeeper & animal welfare officer. She is now a researcher at the London School of Economics specialising in non-human animal sentience, welfare, & ethics.

Find Heather’s Sentientist Conversation with me here on Youtube or here on the Sentientism podcast.


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Ben De Groeve


If a sentientist is someone who wants to use evidence, reason and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings, I consider myself a sentientist.

“The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” – Bertrand Russell

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William Satterthwaite


I’m a sentientist because considering the common attribute of sentient beings, that is, the ability to suffer, has lead me to believe that all sentient beings deserve moral consideration.

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Because it is altruism that makes sense!

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Christine Kane


‘The question is not, Can they reason?, nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?’ Jeremy Bentham, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

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All sentient beings have interests that deserve full and rational consideration

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Jeroen Willems


It is my core value that every sentient being deserves a good, happy life. Whatever their race, religion, class, gender, sexuality or species may be. I want their suffering to stop. Reason and evidence is a must when trying to solve questions on how to help those who suffer, to discover who is suffering and how they are suffering. I prefer sentientism over animalism because it doesn’t limit our moral circle to animals, but opens it to any kind of being who may be able to feel pain.


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Julio Cesar Prava


Because our choices need to be based on reason.

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Bernard van Tonder


I selected all sentient perceptual experience as my ultimate ethical value after studying philosophy and completely rebuilding my ethical beliefs without previous dogmas. It came as a result of thoughts that emerged around the being-for-itself concept in Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness book and Peter Singer’s work. Consequently I have become an act utilitarian, vegan and an effective altruist. The concept has had a profound impact on my significant long-term decisions. I am confident that the world would be significantly better for everyone if everyone valued sentient experience, maximised positive perceptual experience and minimised negative perceptual experience.

@EthosOpt (Twitter)

@bernardvantonder (Insta)

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Alice Oven


I’m a sentientist because I believe any living being who processes emotion, good or bad, deserves respect and should be treated as equal.

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not fully sure yet. i so far like what i hear but like any group like this i like to check out the people and see if they match the words

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Simon Calver


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Josh Veganelli


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I give value to beings who are sentient rather than being just alive.

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Jasper Sanghera


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Thomas Shaw


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Latest work

Richard Brown

Consciousness Live! on Sentientism – with Skateboarding Philosopher Richard Brown

Sentientism episode 195 - Jamie Woodhouse on Richard Brown's Consciousness Live!

“Think more like six year olds!” – Psychologist Luke McGuire – Sentientism Ep:170

Luke is a lecturer working in the Department of Psychology at the University of Exeter. A podcast and YouTube conversation about Sentientism, what's real, who matters and how we can make a better world.

“Our beliefs are playing all sorts of roles… social, moral, epistemic…” – Psychologist Tania Lombrozo – Sentientism Ep:168

Tania is the Arthur W. Marks Professor of Psychology at Princeton University. A conversation about Sentientism, "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

What kind of relationships do we want with AI & other sentient beings? – Jared Moore – Novelist & AI Researcher – Sentientism Ep:167

Jared is an AI researcher and novelist. A conversation about what's real, who matters and how to make a better future. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

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