
Tag: Islam

“Mother Cow, Mother India” – Yamini Narayanan – International Development Asst. Prof – Sentientism Ep:160

Dr. Yamini Narayanan is the author of "Mother Cow, Mother India". A conversation about Sentientism's "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings."

“I went vegan finally when I fell in love with one” – filmmaker & writer Jay Shapiro – Sentientism Episode 151

Jay is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and podcaster. A conversation about Sentientism's "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings."

“We need to transition [India]… the question is how?” – Economist Chaitanya Talreja – Sentientism Episode 127

Chaitanya is Assistant Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in Mumbai. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings". 

“Compassion is a boundless capacity” – Lisa Kemmerer – Sentientism Episode 121

Lisa Kemmerer is an activist and academic who specialises in anymal & environmental ethics. Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings".

“Punk music was my gateway into politics & ethics” – Sociologist Nick Pendergrast – Sentientism Episode 88

Nick Pendergrast is a Sociologist who researches social movements, social change & Critical Animal Studies. A Sentientist conversation.

“‘I love what you do for me’ – isn’t love!” – Cat Besch – Vietnam Animal Aid & Rescue Founder – Sentientist Conversation – EP:79

In this Sentientist Conversation I talk with animal sanctuary founder and activist Cat Besch about "What's Real?" and "What Matters?"

“Boom! – the entire world changed – everyone was questioning everything” – Mariann Sullivan – Sentientist Conversation

Mariann is Co-host of the Our Hen House podcast and host of the Animal Law Podcast. She is a lawyer, lecturer, teacher and animal rights activist.

“We don’t need a god – we can do it ourselves” – Philosopher Richard Brown

Richard Brown is a philosopher at CUNY. In Sentientist Conversations we discuss "what's real?" and "what matters?" Sentientism is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings."

“There is no us and them” – Yasmine Mohammed – Ex-Muslim Activist – Sentientism Ep: 51

Yasmine is an ex-muslim rights activist, advocating primarily for the rights of women living within Islamic majority countries.

“The Peppa Pig Paradox” – activist academic Lynda Korimboccus – New Sentientist Conversation on the Sentientism YouTube and Podcast

Lynda is an anthrozoologist, sociologist and philosopher who teaches sociology in Scottish Further Education. She is also a musician, songwriter, writer and artist. Lynda is Editor-in-Chief of the Student Journal of Vegan Sociology.

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Tilted head shot of Robert Grillo smiling towards the camera. Blurred background.

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

Living With Death Without God – An Interview with author Valerie Jack

Valerie Jack is the author of "Living with Death without God". A Sentientism interview about "what's real?" "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“I plant seeds for children… to think for themselves” Louisa Jane Smith of The Religious Education Podcast – Sentientism Ep:205

Louisa Jane Smith is host of The RE Podcast (religious education). A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?" and "who matters?"

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