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Jim is a lawyer, journalist and animal rights activist. He was introduced to philosopher Peter Singer in 1974. Their book Animal Factories was first published in 1980 and revised in 1990. It provides a critical review and photographic documentation of factory farming practices in North America. Jim’s book, An Unnatural Order: The Roots of Our Destruction of Nature looks at the historical and cultural roots of the Western belief in God-given dominion over the living world. Jim was elected to the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame in 2001.
Jim is a vegan with a sentiocentric moral scope. He is an atheist and has a naturalistic worldview. He criticises the dominionism often present in supernatural and religious thinking, saying “Dominionism is the worldview or belief held by one species that it has a divine right to use animals and everything else in the living world for its own benefit.” He has said “Drop the mysticism and the phony irrelevant stories and recognize reality. Biology. We are animals who evolved from other animals who evolved into our animal cousins. Science. Biology. Reality please.”