
Join Sentientism on WikiTribune Social

We’ve just set up a Sentientism Sub-Wiki on the WT.Social news focused social media platform. Come join us!

The platform, also known as WikiTribune Social, was set up by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales as an alternative to Twitter and Facebook that runs no ads, being funded purely through donations.

The platform is a minnow compared to those giants at the moment, but might appeal to those frustrated with commercial social media.

If you’re interested in trying it out, sign up and join our sub-wiki!

You can find links to all our other online fora on our Where? page. There should be something to suit you – whether real-time voice/text conversation, posting and commenting or more formal research platforms. So far, our Facebook group has the largest membership. Anyone is welcome to join, sentientist or not.

Latest work

Headshot of Matthew Halteman smiling towards the camera.

A Joyful Journey Towards an Edenic Vision – Matthew Halteman ‪on Sentientism ep:221

Matthew Halteman is professor of philosophy at Calvin University‬ & a fellow in the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. A Sentientism conversation.

A Joyful Journey Towards an Edenic Vision – Matthew Halteman ‪on Sentientism ep:221

Matthew Halteman is professor of philosophy at Calvin University‬ & a fellow in the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. A Sentientism conversation.

The Wood Wide Web and Do Plants Feel Pain? – Forest Ecologist Justine Karst on Sentientism ep:220

Justine Karst is Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada. A Sentientism conversation in part about the wood wide web and whether plants feel pain.

Free “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar – Jan 23

Happy New Year and a Happy New Term! Our FREE “Teaching the Sentientism Worldview” webinar for the Spring term is on Jan 23rd from 16:00-17:30 UK time. Sign up at Eventbrite […]

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