
Video! – New page and a 3 hour discussion about Sentientism

There’s a new page for videos about sentientism here – featuring our nearly 3 hour, wide-ranging conversation with Jay Shapiro.

You can tell he’s a professional film-maker because he managed to make himself look much more youthful than me.

I’d love to know what you think. If you’d like to make some videos about sentientism I’ll gladly help + share.

Latest work

Tilted head shot of Robert Grillo smiling towards the camera. Blurred background.

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“The Farm Bill is corrupted, spoiled, rotten” – Robert Grillo of ‪Free From Harm – Sentientism Ep:206

Robert Grillo is founder and director of Free from Harm. A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

Living With Death Without God – An Interview with author Valerie Jack

Valerie Jack is the author of "Living with Death without God". A Sentientism interview about "what's real?" "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?"

“I plant seeds for children… to think for themselves” Louisa Jane Smith of The Religious Education Podcast – Sentientism Ep:205

Louisa Jane Smith is host of The RE Podcast (religious education). A Sentientism conversation about "what's real?" and "who matters?"

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