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Jenny (@jennysplitter and is an award-winning journalist & science writer covering food, agriculture, climate change, biodiversity, health & technology. Her work has been published across a wide range of media outlets including Vox, Forbes, Observer, The Washington Post, Popular Mechanics and New York Magazine. Jenny is a co-founder & contributing editor to the science communication project SciMoms. She is also a podcast host on the Animal Studies channel of the New Books Network & her newsletter, FutureFeed, chronicles change in the food system.
In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”
We discuss:
0:00 Welcome
1:05 Jenny’s Intro – journalism and SciMoms
2:09 What’s Real?
7:58 What Matters Morally?
33:52 The Future
Sentientism is “Evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings.” More at Join Jenny on our “I’m a Sentientist” wall using this simple form.
Everyone, Sentientist or not, is welcome in our groups. Our biggest so far is here on Facebook.
Thanks Graham for the post-production!