Dr. Richard Firth-Godbehere PhD is one of the world’s leading experts on disgust and emotions. He is an independent researcher and consultant in the history, language, science & philosophy of emotions & an honorary research fellow at the centre for the history of the emotions, Queen Mary University of London. Richard’s first book, “A Human History of Emotions” (also known as “Homo Emoticus”) will soon be published in over a dozen languages in countries ranging from Japan to the USA, from Australia to Brazil.
Richard is vegan and has a naturalistic worldview. He describes himself as “firmly atheist”, having never heard a coherent description of the concept of god: “If it’s timeless it doesn’t exist anywhen, if it’s spaceless it doesn’t exist anywhere… so it doesn’t exist!”.
Find Richard’s Sentientist Conversation with me here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.
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