
Nicolas Treich

Nicolas is a research associate at INRAE (L’institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement) and the Toulouse School of Economics. His work focuses on risk and decision theory, environmental economics, benefit-cost analysis and, more recently, on animal welfare. He has published scientific papers on subjects including the precautionary principle, the value of statistical life, and climate policy. He has organized several international conferences and written numerous articles for the general public, as well as reports on risk policy issues.

He has a sentiocentric moral scope and a naturalistic worldview. His paper “The Dasgupta Review and the problem of anthropocentrism” sets out what might come to be called a Sentientist Economics.

Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.
Nicolas at the Toulouse School of Economics

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