
Brian D. Earp

Brian is Associate Director of the Yale-Hastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy at Yale University and The Hastings Center, and a Research Fellow in the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford. His work is cross-disciplinary, following training in philosophy, cognitive science, psychology, history and sociology of science and medicine, and ethics. He has written extensively on resisting religious justifications for causing harm – particularly to children through genital mutilation / circumcision. He wrote the book “Love Drugs” with Julian Savulescu. In his spare time he is a professional actor and singer.

He seems to be ~vegan and have a naturalistic, non-religious worldview.

You can find Brian’s Sentientist Conversation with me here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.

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Brian on YouTube
Brian on Wikipedia

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